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Rerunning a Test
Written by VPT
Updated over a year ago

VPT provides the ability to rerun a test from the test run summary report page. This feature allows for a quick and hassle-free way to retest the same test configuration using the original test run.

Go to Test Run Summary Report Page

There are three ways to go to a test run summary report page. You can navigate to any one of the pages below and select a desired Test Run from test run table.

  1. The Reports section on VPT Home page

  2. The Test Runs tab on the Project Page

  3. The Reports Page

Rerun Test

Click on the Rerun button next to the test run name at the top to create a new test run with the same parameters and settings as the original test run.

An Image indicating the "Rerun this test" icon button next to the test run name at the top

Then, you will be taken to the Test Run Configuration page. The test configuration is the same as the original test, but the test run name is updated with a prefix of “Rerun {#} - ” and a suffix of date and time with a hyphen(-) in between.

An Image indicating auto-updated rerun test name

You can keep the same test configuration as before or change the test configuration at this point. If you change the configuration, you can save it as a template by clicking on “Save Template” button to use the same configuration later. Or simply clicking on the “Start Test” button to run the test.

An Image indicating the "Save Template" and "Start Test" buttons at the bottom

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