When you subscribe to the Team or Enterprise tier of VPT, you can invite new members to your account. When inviting new users, you can choose their role in the system, which controls what actions they can perform and what data they have access to. More information is included in the Roles and Permissions article.
From VPT, click on the three-dot menu on the top navigation bar and then click on Manage Account to navigate to the Account Management Portal.
Click on Users on the left navigation bar.
Click on + Add User to bring up the Create User modal.
Complete the form by entering a unique username, an email (where the invite will be sent), first name, and last name and then select the Role(s) and Team(s) that you want the user associated with.
Click Save to complete the creation process and send the invite.
The user will receive an email with a link to complete their user account setup by setting a password or using an external authentication provider (see the External Authentication Providers article for more information). At this point, the new user will have to complete the following steps to finish the account creation process and begin using VPT.
Click on the link in the email and complete the account creation process.
Once the process is completed successfully, the user will be redirected to the login screen where they can use their credentials to login to VPT.