About the Dashboard
The dashboard page is designed to give you a summary of all your teams’ past, present, and future activity in VPT. There are 4 main sections: the Running Tests Table, the Reports Table, the Resource Usage Chart, and the Scheduled Tests Table.
On occasion, you will also be greeted by an expandable announcement banner at the top of the page, displaying any current news, updates, or offers related to VPT.
Running Tests Table
This table shows the tests that are currently running when the page loads, as well as the tests’ Average Response Times and Error Percentages.
If there are no tests currently running, you will instead see a message indicating as such, with a button allowing you to quickly start running a test.
Reports Table
This table shows the latest completed test runs from all your teams. By default, it will display the Test Run Name, Project, Duration, and Status, while expanding an entry will additionally show the Template, Run By user, and Run Date. Clicking on the Test Run Name will bring you to that test run’s report page and clicking on the Project or Template will bring you to the respective Project or Template’s page.
If no tests have been run yet, the following message will be displayed in place of the table:
Resource Usage Chart
This chart is an abbreviated version of the one that can be found in the Account Management Portal. To view the more detailed chart, please refer to our support article on the Resource Usage Page.
This version of the chart displays the resource usage over the previous seven days from all teams to which you belong.
From the drop-down, you can select whether the Load Hours or Number of Tests is displayed as the chart’s metric.
You can toggle whether certain teams are displayed by selecting them in the key below the chart.
The menu in the top-right corner of the chart allows you to export the chart and its data into many different file formats and view the chart in full screen.
If neither of the resources have been used in the past 7 days, the chart will display a message explaining this.
Scheduled Tests Table
This table shows a list of all you teams’ schedules, sorted by their Next Run Time by default.
Please refer to our support article on Schedules for more information on the details this table displays.