Create a Project
From the Jenkins Dashboard, select New Item from the side bar options.
Enter a valid item name, select Freestyle Project, then click OK.
The next page allows for configuration of the newly created project.
Add the VPT Build Step
In this section we will enable the usage of VPT Plugin through the addition of the VPT Build Step.
In the Build section, click Add Build Step, and select VPT Build Step.
Begin the configuration by entering the information needed to authenticate with and create a connection to VPT.
VPT URL – The URL of where your team logs into VPT. For SaaS accounts, this is For on-prem deployments, this will typically be the same as the URL used to get to the VPT UI, but it could vary based on how VPT was configured.
Account ID – Number that uniquely identifies an account and can also be the Account Alias, if one was setup during initial account creation. For on-prem deployments this value should be “1”.
Credentials – Combination of API Key (username) and Secret Key (password). More info on how to setup API Keys. To add credentials for the VPT Build Step you must obtain an API Key and Secret Key for your account under the Account Management Portal profile section.
Username = API Key, Password = Secret Key. Copy and past the values into the fields.
NOTE: It is helpful to add a nickname for the credentials in the ID field as this makes selection easier in the future. In this example I’ve chosen “api-key-TEST”. This value will need to be selected in the Credentials drop-down list for that field to be satisfied.
Once the above information has been entered, click on the Authenticate VPT User button to make a connection to VPT and retrieve the data necessary to continue configuration.
A successful connection to VPT will yield a green checkbox with a User ID displayed.
The next section assumes that a Test Run Template has already been generated via VPT Console (Web Application).
Upon a successful Authenticate VPT User, select the box, next to Select User, then click the User ID drop-down list and your user ID will be available to select.
Provided you have at least one Test Run Template associated with a Project and Team you will be able to select a valid option for each of the required fields.
User ID – String with sections of alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens. This appears as an option after successful authentication by clicking Authenticate VPT User then checking the box next to Select User.
Team – Teams, by name, associated with user account that was authenticated.
Project – Projects, by name, belonging to the Team selected in the previous dropdown list.
Template – Test run templates, by name, belonging to the Project selected in the previous drop down list. This will be the template that will be used when triggering tests with the plugin. If the selected template is updated on the VPT UI, then the test triggered in Jenkins will run as it is configured at the time the build is triggered.
Once the template is selected, you can define success criteria for the tests that are triggered by this build. Success criteria allow you to define metrics and metric values that will determine if your test was a success or failure. This allows Jenkins to properly control the flow of subsequent build steps based on the results of a test. You can control the specific thresholds for various KPI which determine if the test was successful. If the values of the metrics are outside of one or more of the configured thresholds, then the build is marked as failed.
Data Point – A metric upon which the Success Criteria is evaluated for a given test's results e.g. Error Percentage.
Comparison – Operators which define how to compare the data point of expected and actual test results e.g. Less Than.
Value – Expected value of the Data Point which is being compared e.g. 0.
NOTE: In the example the Success Criteria reads "For a give test run, the error percentage should be less than 0. Else the test will be considered a failure". When a test run does not meet the Success Criteria, the corresponding Jenkins build will be marked as a failure. This is specific to VPT Jenkins Plugin and has no impact on Test Runs in VPT.
Once you are satisfied with the configuration, click Save button.