Build Now
If you are already on the Project Status page, click Build Now in the side bar menu. If not, navigate to Jenkins Dashboard and click the project name in the main content section, then click Build Now.
Notice the Build History section should now contain a new item. This new build will trigger the configured Test Run in VPT.
Console Output
Click on the current build history item number to get build status page.
Notice the build is in progress and the page shows a few more details about the build. This can be confirmed in the VPT Web Console.
Find the Console Output menu item in the side bar.
The Console Output page lists a few things during the lifecycle of a test run:
VPTBuilder running test β Test has initialized and is running.
VPTBuilder test status β Provides a status and elapsed time since inception.
VPTBuilder canceling/canceled test β Triggered upon user canceling the Jenkins build via the little red x next to the progress bar (appears in a few places while build is running).
Finished: STATUS β Will tell you about how the test finished e.g. SUCCESS, ABORTED, UNSTABLE, FAILURE.
Results and Graphs
Successfully running and completed tests will have access to an additional page in the Test Run side bar called VPT Test Run. Find and select that menu item.
The page provides Run Highlights section which includes:
Max Users
Total Transactions
Total Errors
Error Percentage
Average Throughput
Average Response Time
90% Response Time
Average Bandwidth
For more information about the specifics metrics and what they represent, see our article about the Metrics Captured.
On the same page, below the Run Highlights, you can find a couple charts with more information.
The first is the Load Chart, which graphs users, page hits per second, and number of the errors over time. Further down you can find the Response Chart, which graphs number of users and juxtaposes that with Min/Max/Average response time over the span of the Test Run.
NOTE: hovering the mouse over these charts will reveal the values at a particular point on the graphs.
Articles in the VPT Jenkins Plugin Series